$chart = new Highchart(); $chart->chart->renderTo = 'container'; $chart->chart->type = 'spline'; $chart->chart->inverted = true; $chart->chart->width = 500; $chart->chart->style->margin = '0 auto'; $chart->title->text = 'Atmosphere Temperature by Altitude'; $chart->subtitle->text = 'According to the Standard Atmosphere Model'; $chart->xAxis->reversed = false; $chart->xAxis->title->enabled = true; $chart->xAxis->title->text = 'Altitude'; $chart->xAxis->labels->formatter = new HighchartJsExpr("function() { return this.value +'km'; }"); $chart->xAxis->maxPadding = 0.05; $chart->xAxis->showLastLabel = true; $chart->yAxis->title->text = 'Temperature'; $chart->yAxis->labels->formatter = new HighchartJsExpr("function() { return this.value + '°'; }"); $chart->yAxis->lineWidth = 2; $chart->yAxis->showFirstLabel = false; $chart->legend->enabled = false; $chart->tooltip->formatter = new HighchartJsExpr("function() { return ''+ this.x +' km: '+ this.y +'°C';}"); $chart->plotOptions->spline->marker->enable = false; $chart->series[]->name = 'Temperature'; $chart->series[0]->data = array( array( 0, 15 ), array( 10, - 50 ), array( 20, - 56.5 ), array( 30, - 46.5 ), array( 40, - 22.1 ), array( 50, - 2.5 ), array( 60, - 27.7 ), array( 70, - 55.7 ), array( 80, - 76.5 ) );